The City Manager called for the meeting as the City was prepared to offer a BETA TEST proposal for Wolf Creek to partner with the City of Temecula and the Temecula Police Department.
The proposed concept is for placement of signage throughout Wolf Creek at strategic locations that would provide the non-emergency telephone number 951-696-HELP ext 5 for residents to report any suspicious activities. The number is monitored 24/7 by the Riverside County Sheriff’s Department.
Wolf Creek is an active community with many residents walking daily on our walking paths, or through the community itself. By having these signs out there, it will increase the number of calls from concerned residents that may not remember the number at the time they observe something suspicious. With faster calls reporting in, the better the result for law enforcement to address quality of life issues in Wolf Creek as well as reduce criminal activity.
The city will also partner with Wolf Creek to provide public relations on this BETA Program so residents are aware of the number and when to use it.
It is hoped a mockup of the sign specific for Wolf Creek will be available at the Public Safety Fair sponsored by Wolf Creek Resident/Realtor Leslie Lawson and the Wolf Creek Lifestyle Board on May 16th.
Representatives from the City of Temecula and the Temecula PD will be present to discuss crime issues with residents as well!
This is a tremendous opportunity to work with the City of Temecula and the Temecula Police Department to design and build a program that provides the most efficient eyes and ears for the Police regarding Wolf Creek. In addition to the signage, the residents will be receiving updated education on how they as residents can reduce the risk of criminal activity at their homes.
On another note, one of our Wolf Creek Residents posted a newspaper article regarding the use of power amps to break into keyless cars. The article explained that criminals walk up to your car, turn on the power amp and it extends the range your key fob signal requires to open the door when you touch the handle. With this device, thieves can open your car without an alarm going off while your keys are safely in your home.
The best way to combat this new device is to lock your keyless system vehicles in your garage and keep your garage closed.