Hi Everyone, time for another update on the spa repairs. Wolf Creek has found the solution to California's drought. Without fail, when we start a pool repair project, it rains! You may recall we lost a week due to rain at the beginning of the repairs and now the forecast calls for rain starting tomorrow and going through Monday. Our plumbers and electricians work best in the sunshine, so they will start the repairs hopefully (weather dependent) some time next week. All of the vendors have promised to do their best to begin work again as soon as weather permits. Our commitment remains the same in regards to opening the spa at the soonest opportunity. Thank you all for your understanding.
The City is widening Pechanga Parkway from Via Gilberto to North Casino Drive. The widening will require the removal of the plant material, stone walls and pilasters from our entry way monuments, which will be replaced by the City at the conclusion of the project. Please drive safely and comply with all posted construction signs. Additional updates will be provided as they are received from the City.
See flyer below for an upcoming garage sale event. ![]()
Hi everyone. Hope you all had a fantastic New Year celebration! The final repairs to the pool equipment walls have begun. Effective today, removal of the main gas line into the community center has begun. As a result, the gas heaters in the Community Center will not be functional. We are bringing in room heaters for the gym and front office to keep everyone comfortable. In addition, the gas water heater will not be on so we are adding hand sanitizers in the bathrooms and of course the soap dispensers will remain full. Due to all of the work required for this repair (gas, plumbing, electrical, construction, controllers), the gas is anticipated to be off for a couple of weeks. We will make every attempt to have it restored the first day possible. Thanks everyone for your understanding. As you know, Wolf Creek Maintenance Corporation has a policy to not defer repairs and to maintain every asset to the best condition possible. Our residents don't deserve anything less. Thank you.