In accordance with Governor Newsom ordering non-essential Californians to stay home, I have authorized the closure of our office effective 9pm tonight (Thursday). The Board approved an emergency motion at our meeting Monday to pay our staff during this closure their regular earnings as we must be as supportive to them as they have been to Wolf Creek. I imagine questions will come to mind regarding how this impacts our pool etc. I will share updates as those issues become known. Please stay safe everyone. I want to acknowledge and thank our Wolf Creek resident's that have already stepped up and started collecting contact information for neighbors on their street, developing a list of needs and those at high risk and making themselves available to help those that may not be able to help themselves. Stay compassionate, patient and calm, this will all pass.
Avalon’s highest priority is and has always been the health and safety of our clients and employees. With the emergence of the coronavirus (COVID-19) and the increasing health concerns, as of today, March 16th we are closing all offices to the public. We continue to respond to calls, emails and web inquires. Please follow the link below for more information. Hi everyone, as you know, all Temecula Schools, recreational facilities, Pechanga Casino, Morango Casino are shutting down due to concern of spreading the Novel Corona Virus.
I use the term "Novel" as this form of a Corona Virus has never been seen before and as such we don't have our typical "Herd Immunity" from previous exposure. Wolf Creek posted signs on the gym door to please use the Lysol Disinfectant Wipes provided before and after each contact to any surface. Lysol in the past has proven to be effective in "Human Corona Virus". This is a new "Novel" virus and no evidence exists to assure Lysol is effective for this specific virus. If you haven't heard the Governor's proclamation today; he is asking all bars to close until further notice and all restaurants to close 50% of their dining areas to maintain a 6' circumference separating patrons. As Wolf Creek President, I am adding to our already scheduled open session and executive session meetings at 6pm Monday March 16th, an Emergency Board Meeting to discuss the possible closure of the gym and pools until such time it is deemed safe to re-open. This meeting will start immediately following our open session. The civil code below provides authority to call this meeting:Civil Code §4923. Emergency Board Meetings. "An emergency board meeting may be called by the president of the association, or by any two directors other than the president, if there are circumstances that could not have been reasonably foreseen which require immediate attention and possible action by the board, and which of necessity make it impracticable to provide notice as required by Section 4920." Bradley J. Sullivan, D.C. President Hi everyone, John our property manager, Richard our pool tech and I met with the engineer this afternoon at our pool. The goal of the meeting was for him to advise causation of the issue, specific guidelines for the repair to avoid a repeat as well as was any of this caused by the Ridgecrest Earthquake. We stood in the pool during the rain for over 30 minutes while he investigated, took a lot of photos and reviewed the existing infrastructure. (Alva was our engineer when we repaired the pool deck which held up fine). He felt pretty sure that the Ridgecrest Earthquake did not cause the damage but said he would research the "G" forces in our area at that time to see if it is possible. We hope to receive his written report of causation and recommendations in 10 days or so. Upon receipt, we will forward the engineers repair directions to the three pool contractors we met with so they can provide a specific proposal based on the recommendations. I also want to share with everyone that our next Wolf Creek open Board meeting will be Monday March 16th at 6 pm. The pool repair item will not be handled that night as we won't have the engineers report or proposals to discuss. As promised, I will keep everyone updated on the pool as information becomes available and I will call with advanced notice a special Board meeting so we can focus on the issues of the pool. Thanks for your understanding.
The City is scheduled to seal coat and stripe the entire Pechanga Channel Trail from Loma Linda Road to Deer Hollow Way on Tuesday and Wednesday (3/10 & 3/11).
Hi everyone, I have a horrible pool update to share. It was anticipated that all of the lights in the pool would be replaced and a putty sealant applied to some tiles that had what we thought were surface cracks. By today the pool should have been filling with fresh water and ready for Spring Break. On close up examination the tile cracks were not just through the surface, but all of the way through the tile. The pool no longer has a seal to prevent water from undermining the surrounding deck which remains perfect from our last repair. These cracks were first noticed in early July 2019 following the two large earthquakes that occurred in Ridgecrest. We also had a 20+ linear lift of some pool pavers as well. At that time, looking through the water line our pool tech was comfortable with waiting until we did our current maintenance to seal it. Inspection now revealed the crack had extended to 12+ linear feet on the spa side and new additional cracks were observed in the tiles by the shower side. Our pool tech said we need to call out an expert to determine what is happening and what is needed. The pool hardscape expert upon immediately walking up to the tile said he knew what the problem was but, would need to remove several tiles to confirm. What he found was the first contractor that repaired our entire pool and deck used inappropriate material and methods to short cut the repair.
So here is what we know now. In order to properly repair the known issues, the pool coping, pool tiles, 4" of pool plaster and the necks to the scuppers have to be demolished as well as repairing the pool Bond Beam which was damaged by the previous contractor. Another inspection will occur to verify there are no other hidden issues. So here is the bottom line. If no new issues are discovered; the bond beam surface will have to be repaired and a pour in place customized pool coping will be applied. To avoid a repeat of this issue, the new cement will be doweled to the existing cement to assure no horizontal movement. Repairs to the pool plaster and adjustments to the grade of the skimmer necks will be performed and new tiles installed. While the spa and wader pool are not exhibiting issues, our pool tech and the pool hardscape expert said they too will detach as they were all installed by the same contractor at the same time. The Board authorized the Hardscape expert to provide a proposal ASAP. At this moment, we do not know what it will cost, the time it will take to repair it or any unknown issues that may be discovered. The Wolf Creek Board will call an emergency open meeting to discuss these issues with everyone once we have more information. Please know that our board is made up of parents and grandparents of children that live in Wolf Creek and we empathize with the children's disappointment and the parents frustration. Our goal is to fix it right as soon as possible so we can again enjoy our pools. To answer an anticipated question, we can't open the pool for the summer as is and do the repairs after as the Health and Safety inspector will not permit it. There are potential structural issues that create a safety concern. To answer another anticipated question, how are we going to pay for this? Without knowing the cost at this time, we cannot make that decision. Please keep in mind that the previous major repair was paid for by a fund I had started when I first was elected to the Board and we were having deck issues then. We saved for 10 years and this fully funded that repair. This issue was unforeseeable as the contractor covered his mistakes with the tile and coping. To assure everyone, the Board recognizes the pools are the major asset of the community. This issue will be handled with total transparency with the goal of; if you know what the Board knows, you will be supportive of the decisions made. Again, the Board will call an Emergency open meeting so we can all discuss this together. This meeting will only address this issue so we are not under time restraints that evening. Thank you for your understanding and patience. |