Hi everyone. We are moving at full speed and the interlocking pavers are removed from the showers to the wader pool. Using a push rod to go into the soil, it continues to demonstrate hollow caverns of water at 2.5 to 3.5+ feet. This indicates the water coming out of the pressurized fire suppression line followed all of the in ground pipes and has washed away a significant amount of dirt. As such we will have to dig up around all of the underground piping to expose the potential sinkholes and remove all of the wet soil so it does not turn into mildew. We will have to bring in new sand and gravel to fill the voids prior to re installing the pavers. The search has also found a couple of additional issues. Adjacent to the wader is a large amount of underground water. So much that when the rod is used to push into the ground to see if it is moist, the water percolates to surface to release pressure. Monday the forcast is for rain. As such the entire area will be closed up and covered with plastic this evening. We have the leak detectors coming out to inspect the wader to rule out the water is coming from a leak in a line or the wader itself vs this is how far the water was pushed when the pipe burst. I will hopefully have more details on the cause and time needed to repair by Tuesday evening (weather permitting) or Wednesday.
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